Here's a bunch of pointless info about me for people who are probably not going to care.
Birth date: 15 March 1999 (age 18)
Height: 171.5 centimetres or 5'7.5''
Weight: 52 kilograms or 115 pounds
Gender: ...
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: Mixed (Asian, white, Pacific Islander for simplicity).
Political ideology: Often described as liberal.
Religious ideology: Anti-theist, atheist
Religious ideology: Anti-theist, atheist
Vocal grade: D+
Full vocal range/type: Tenor, F2-F6 (Four octaves)*
Modal range: E2-C5 (Two octaves, five notes)
Modal range: E2-C5 (Two octaves, five notes)
Positives in vocals: With falsetto/head voice, range extends to F6. Lower range (primarily the 2nd octave) carries a masculine, dark tone, while starting in the 3rd octave, voice loses weight and brightens a lot (which is interesting considering the speaking voice sits around the upper third octave). Voice is comfortable up to B4, and down to F2.
Negatives in vocals: Terrible intonation. Falsetto/head voice, is thin. Upper 5th and 6 octave notes are really strained. Androgynous/feminine sound in the upper range. Inconsistent timbre. The upper range can be airy. Lack of breath support leads to low stamina and running out of breath quickly. Can be off-key and sing harmonies not even written into the music being performed. Practically no vibrato.
Interests: Performing arts, video games, history, culture, film, anime
Anything else you wanna know? Do you actually care? Comment then I guess. Thanks for reading!
Anything else you wanna know? Do you actually care? Comment then I guess. Thanks for reading!